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Does good grip even exist?

The tricky thing about grip is that it depends on the surface you use them on. We seem to understand that we should change from summer tyres to winter tyres on our car, yet when looking for shoes we normally just ask for shoes with "good grip" while not explaining for what conditions. In fact, even saying "winter conditions" is not enough. Good grip in snow is not the same as good grip on ice. So in an attempt to kill the dream of a "one grip to rule them all", we will explain some key issues with grip...

1. Material and compound: Soles come in many different materials, some lighter, some heavier. Some softer some harder. Normally, softer compounds tend to grip better in cold and wet conditions, but harder compounds last longer.
2. Surface pressure: The more pressure on a smaller area, the better the grip. This is how spikes grip on ice, and a thick groove will grip better in snow or dirt. But this also depends on the surface. Have you ever worn spikes inside on a marble floor? And did you know that pointy grooves on your soles may give you a better grip in snow, but will be more slippery on ice?
3. Weight: The lighter the sole, the more comfortable, yet the shorter they tend to last as the materials are more fragile. So this is where comfort also plays it's part. Every factor has it's trade-off.

We as a brand also understood the complexity of grip was something we also underestimated. That is why we have partnered up with Vibram for many of our new releases. Marco from Vibram came to visit us before the summer to show us some of their new developments and we do not envy their job of revolutionising grip! They are working hard to keep us on our feet. It was also interesting to know that our new style Stryn is the first shoe in the world to use the traction lug sole on a shoe! That is pretty cool!

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